God of the Journey
I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Now what?
It is the desire of the true author of this book, the Holy Spirit, to equip you with a practical understanding of who you are, and what it means to walk in relationship with Him. Dionne has opened up her journey to you, the reader, to share intimate moments in her walk with Christ; how she had ‘date nights’ with Jesus, how her spiritual eyes were opened, and her comical experience during her baptism of fire that blew her mind.
This book further shares information on understanding your new birthrights, a fresh view of prayer, how to build a one-on-one relationship with the Holy Spirit, and the tools the Holy Spirit has revealed to her that are necessary for battle. Believe that the Lord is interested in every aspect of your every day life and, if you allow Him, He will lead you into a life that captivates you, leaving you in complete awe and devotion.